Uxmal, Yucatan, Mexico

The greatest center of classic Puuc Mayan architecture, Uxmal lies nestled in the low mountains of the western Yucatan peninsula, about 70 miles south of the modern city of Merida. The city was settled as early as 200 A.D., but produced it's finest structures between the 6th and 10th centuries in the highly ornamental Puuc style.
The architecture of Uxmal is characterized by long, low horizontal palaces set around courtyards or on platforms, and articulated with rich sculptural ornamentation at the base, frieze and cornice, as well as at the angles of the buildings.

View of the site from the Governor's Palace
Moonrise over the Nunnery Quadrangle
View of the Palace of the Governor
View of the Pyramid of the Magician
Detail of Frieze in Nunnery Quadrangle

Andreas Kultermann,
3 Park Place, #1, Keokuk, Iowa 52632
H: (319) 524-6169 W: (319) 524-8730
Copyright © 1997 Andreas Kultermann